Live streaming has become a popular way for people to connect with others, share their passions, and even make a living. However, for many content creators, the cost of live streaming can add up quickly. From equipment to software to music, it can be a struggle to keep expenses low while still creating high-quality content. One way to save money on your live streams is by using copyright free music.
First, let's define what copyright free music is. This is where things get a bit tricky. All modern music is protected by copyright. So technically "copyright free music" is not a correct term. But what copyright free music means for streamers is this: if you use the music, you won't get any copyright claims. This means that as a live streamer or content creator, you can use this music in your videos without worrying about legal repercussions. This music is also referred to as "no copyright music" and "DMCA safe music".
Using copyright free music can save you a significant amount of money in the long run. This is because many libraries of copyright free music are also royalty free and free to use. Most modern songs you hear on the radio are not free to use and require paying for a license. So if you are a streamer who frequently needs music in your videos, this can become quite expensive.
Not only can using copyright free music save you money, but it can also add a unique touch to your live streams or other content, and make the stream feel more professional.
StreemTunes is the best copyright free music library in the world, with a library of over 1100 plus Copyright Free / DMCA Safe tracks across many different genres. The vast library caters to as many needs and styles as possible, including: (LO-FI, Hip-Hop, Synthwave, EDM, Rock, Latin, Trap, Dubstep, Chill Out, Chiptune, Holiday, Content Creator and more). You can also download any StreemTunes song directly from their website with a full sync license to use in your videos or content. This can help you stand out from other content creators and create a more engaging experience for your audience. Check out StreemTunes' music on Spotify here!
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